Ground Werx Coatings is the company of choice for:
Infrared Asphalt Repair
Parking Lot Sweeping
Asphalt Preparation
Coatings don't bond to dirty surfaces. Cleaning is the hardest, and most time consuming part of a coating project. We're the only ones in North America crazy enough to build a 150 horsepower, 10 ft wide pressure washer, pumping 40 gpm @ 3600 psi. Dirt doesn't stand a chance! Others use sweepers and leaf blowers and their sealcoat often flakes off because the surface is still too dirty. Some try to hand wash, but parking lot owners need quick access to their property, so efficiency is required. Our unique cleaning equipment sets us apart.
Bulk Emulsion Sealcoat
We have our own high-solids, bulk emulsion. Whether it's for sealcoating or microsurfacing, we mix our bulk according to your project's needs. If a lot of material is needed, then we'll bring the bulk (approx 70 000 lbs) to your job site in order to reduce the reload time and cost. Competing contractors inquire about purchasing our product because they can't get it otherwise. Distributors offer us their products, but our inspections show they are unable to match our proprietary quality. We work to stay aware of industry trends and innovations. We pride ourselves on being industry leaders.
Line Painting
We have a line painting machine and stencils to take your parking lot to completion once we've covered your old asphalt.
Micro surfacing
Not to be confused with Type 1-3 slurry seals which have heavier aggregate, our microsurfacing material has a heavy load of fines to fill in rough pavement. Type 1-3 slurry works great for highway type use. However, large aggregate slurry mixes struggle in tight turning traffic areas, whereas our micro surfacing material does not. Our product is suited for airports, in-town road, heavily worn parking lots and driveways that are due for an overlay. Microsurfacing's cost is only 35-45% of an overlay. After it's been in place for a month we suggest sweeping up the loose fines that are created by traffic.
Our sealcoat product is non-carcinogenic – so it’s safe for your family and the environment. Our dedicated rig mixes while it’s applying to ensure consistent results. Extra layers are inexpensive and can be added as needed.sealcoat requires a dedicated rig capable of mixing while it's applying. It's the only way to ensure consistent results. 1-3 coats are applied depending on the traffic volume and the asphalt condition. Extra layers are inexpensive (approximately 20% cost increase per coat). No matter how many layers there are, it is important to note that fresh sealcoat will scuff from stationary steering with vehicle front tires. On a hot summer day, even cured sealcoat will scuff. Remember to be careful.
Infrared Asphalt Repair
Our high quality infrared machine creates a smooth thermal bond between the repair site and the existing asphalt that surrounds it, resulting in a long lasting patch.